Off the Mat - Training
Tested in the Real World
"High Expectations"
I’m always on the fence about whether or not I’m happy with people’s high expectations of me. There is a part of me that would really rather that everyone have average expectations of me so that I can sit and wallow in my own “I don’t wanna’s”. I like living in the town of Complacency. It is just lovely there. It’s always the same - never better, never worse.
If that actually were the case, and I did prefer that, I never would have accomplished as much as I have in the dojo and out. How would it look if every time I worked out or ran a workout and I was just there, taking up space? Blech! And in turn, how do you think it looks when you come in not wanting to give your best? Blech! Let’s face it - complacency doesn’t look good on anyone. The good news is that we don’t have a lot of that.
We don’t expect you to do things in class that you are not capable of, ever. You may not be great at them and you may not like doing them, but it’s not because you can’t do them. We do, however, anticipate that when you show up, that you want to be there and that you are willing to give 100% for forty-five minutes. We’ve said it a million times…it’s your martial arts and your workout. If you give it everything, you’ll assuredly reap the benefits – long and short term.
In our world, the higher your rank is, the greater the expectation that is put on you. So with that in mind, I challenge the higher ranks to lead by example and dare I say, hold yourself to a higher standard. If your rank isn’t that high yet, well just know that it will be higher sooner than you think and if you pick up those good habits now, your actions will benefit you down the road.
We are all put in a position that we could lead by example. It doesn’t have to be anything big! It could be as simple as introducing yourself to a new student (or coworker or neighbor) or maybe cheering on your partner when you feel they want to give up. It is little things like that that catch on and spread to everyone.
- Karina Gramesty
Seminar Schedule!
Street Fighting Follow-up - Sunday 9/30 at 11am
Knife fighting Seminar - Sunday 9/30 at 12pm
Participation in the street fighting seminar is $20, participation in the knife fighting seminar is $40, which includes a training knife. Space is extremely limited for both events! See a staff member today!
Quote of the Week
"Don't ever confuse the two, your life and your work. That's what I have to say. The second is only a part of the first."
-Anna Quindlen
Contest for Kickboxers:
Why do YOU Work Out with Dan Stryker?
We are giving away 5 more SMA water bottles to the first 5 students who provide a response! Email us your answer to Why you workout with Dan Stryker for a chance to win!
Good luck!