Inspiring Your Personal Growth and Development through Superior Martial Arts Training since 1999!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Stryker Dojo Newsletter; Issue 11

Quote of the Week

"You are never too old to set another goal, or to dream a new dream."

Karate News
The Goals We Set are the Goals We Get!

Goal setting is a highly valuable skill, that not only benefits adults, but kids as well.

As we enter the third week of the month, students are beginning to count their stripes a little more earnestly at the end of each class. The instructors wrap their belt with a new stripe and they once again ask, "How many more do I need?" "Am I going to test this month?" The eagerness to test is understandable; testing, after all, is an achievement and the indication of progress. Every student wants this. As instructors we want this for our students too.

Do you know the 3 parts of a goal that is imperative for achieving it?  Our students do!

Earning a next rank is invaluable practice at goal setting. It gives students the opportunity to experience the various elements of a well-defined goal. For example, a good goal is specific. The overall goal may be Black Belt, but the short-term specific goal is the next rank. A good goal has a timeframe and steps to take within that timeframe. The action step is "come to the required number of classes, participate and practice." We clearly provide the timeframe within which to do this. Finally, a good goal is measurable. Students can figure out how close they are to achieving it by counting their stripes, plus there is a very measurable indicator of whether or not they reached their goal—they are either standing there at the end of testing wearing their new belt or they're not.

It's the little things we do every day that help us to achieve our goals - even though they may seem insignificant at the time.

Regardless of where students are within the testing process (just tested, getting ready to test, or in the interim working on accumulating classes), they can take the guesswork out of achieving their next rank. Parents have the ability to help make this possible. We invite students and their parents to clearly map out the path to a student's next rank. Count classes, make up one's missed, and stay on track. That feeling of accomplishment students get at the end when they're standing next to all the other people testing, getting their new belt tied around their waist, is worth it.

-Ms. Kristin and Ms. Sarah

Click Here to get your child on the fast track to success!

"My kids have developed a sense of physical and mental confidence from their karate classes.  I have seen them gain a sense of grace and sharpness to their movements.  I also see a sense of accomplishment on their faces - they are learning to have pride in hard work they do both in Karate and in life.  I know that they will carry their training from the Stryker Karate program into their futures." 

Increased confidence is one of the many benefits of training in the martial arts.  Click Here and send us an email for more information and let us team up to bring out your child's confidence and self-discipline. 

Kickboxing News
Ode to the Moms: Making Time for "Me" Time

I used to spend most waking hours involved in doing things for everyone, but myself.

I found time to be a mom, wife, daughter, friend, and employee/co-worker, but rarely did I find time to do things for Karina.  As I turned Forty, I was feeling it – both physically and emotionally.  Enough!!

Are you feeling it too? For instance, you really don't feel well for several days, and yet you continually say 'if I'm not feeling better by Monday; if I'm not better for Wednesday, if I'm not better by Friday, I'll go to the doctor.' You just "deal with it. There's no time to be at the doctor. I gotta to this, that, and the other thing. Right? We ALL do it!

The same can be said for physical fitness. I'll start next month. I'm going to start really working out HARD right after this event, that event, for this event, that event, this holiday... you get the picture.

I recently saw something that said:  “I don’t find time to work out, I make time.”  
That’s me.  I came to the point, several years ago, where I realized that I wanted to make the effort to make time to better myself. Most every time I work out, I am fully committed to my workout.  For forty-five minutes, I can only think about the task at hand – my workout.

Kickboxing isn't just about the physical activity (although, that part rocks!); it’s also about the mental activity.  

When I'm in class, I don't think about errands, money, family, that ever-growing shopping list, or my lack of time; I only think about the combination that we are working on.  

Both my focus and multi-tasking skills have been taken to a new level.  Now not only can I do things that I could only imagine doing years ago, I have made a commitment to myself, and I don’t spend a whole lot of time making excuses – I save that time and energy for something more worth my brain space.

-Ms. Karina

Click  Here to give yourself 45 minutes of ME time!

"Attending the kickboxing class always feels like an adventure and I am constantly presented with a new challenge.  I feel strong, healthy, and with energy!"

 How will our program benefit YOUR life?  

Click Here and send us an email for more information, and experience for yourself the benefits of training in the martial arts. 

October Special: Parents Train for Free

Parents agree, kickboxing is the best investment they've ever made in themselves

Benefits Parents Have Seen:
  • Increase Energy
  • Lose Weight
  • Increase Confidence
  • Relieve Stress, and
  • Learn to Kick Butt (Should you need to!)
During the month of October, we are inviting the parents of our current students to train for free!  

Join the community of your peers in our kickboxing program, and experience the benefits that keep our members returning week after week.

This opportunity represents over $200 in savings; TIME IS RUNNING OUT 

See Ms. Kristin at your child's next class, or email Kailen today!  We look forward to seeing you on the mat and helping you achieve your fitness goals!

Newsflash: Skinny Jeans are STILL In Style!  

If This Headline Makes You a Bit Nervous, Then Hit Up Our Bootcamp!

We get it - You're nervous to try it out.  You "have a thing" on Sunday and can't make it.  You have a great relationship with the couch and the separation anxiety is crippling... yeah yeah yeah, we've heard ALL of these excuses over the past 9 months, but VERY FEW compelling reasons to miss this great workout.

Let's set the record straight!
  • Our attendees burn up to 800 calories in the bootcamp (some even burn more, according to their body sensors!).  
  • You do NOT need to be a world-class athlete to join us! 
  • You do NOT need any martial arts experience
  • We foster a supportive environment for you to get a great workout and see what you're made of!
  • We do NOT bite (we promise!)
  • We'll help you get into those Skinny Jeans!
So the question is, why haven't you joined us yet?!

Mark your calendars: Our next Stryker Bootcamp will be on Sunday November 4th at noon.  

Email me NOW to get on the list!

The cost for participation is $20.  Space is limited to 20 participants, so be sure to get your name on the list by emailing Kailen, or seeing a staff member the next time you're in the school.

Are you ready to Gain Confidence, Lose Weight, or Want to Help Your Child Develop the Skills to Live Life Bully-Free?

Then You're Ready to Join the Community!

Don't let everyone else have all the fun!  Take advantage of our Beginner Trial in order to see if training in the martial arts is right for you and your family!  Email Us today, in order to get started!