Inspiring Your Personal Growth and Development through Superior Martial Arts Training since 1999!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Stryker Dojo Newsletter; Issue 15

Quote of the Week

"Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes.  Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow.  Let reality be reality.  Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like."

- Lao Tzu

Ready for the Ultimate Dojo?!

Master Dan is busy building-out a NEW SPACE that would make any martial artist proud!

Stryker Martial Arts is moving to a TOP SECRET location (2 miles away from the current school), and Monday, February 4th is the target for our opening day!

What will this mean for you?

Simply put - you can expect an even higher level of service in a location which will better support your martial arts training!  Over the years Master Dan has found that our current location doesn't serve our best asset - our students.   The noise and distractions from the viewing area and outside parking lot tend to disrupt our students' concentration and focus in class.  Our new space was specifically designed to help diminish these distractions, and allow our students to fully concentrate on their martial arts technique.

Is your program changing?

The answer to this questions is both yes and no.  Here's what we mean... Change has always been built into our program.  As many long-term students can attest, our programs are under a constant state of evaluation.  If Master Dan isn't fully satisfied with the focus of the program, changes are made in order to ensure that our students are receiving the highest level of martial arts instruction.  We have no intention of making drastic overhauls to our current programs, however there will be small tweaks to our curriculum that are meant to enhance your experience both on and off the mat.

Where is the new school located?

Ahhh, this is TOP SECRET information for now.  While we are busy with the build-out of the new school (and all of the headaches associated with it), we are keeping the exact location under a strict 'need-to-know' basis.  We will say, that it is still located in Fairfield, and is roughly 2 miles away from our current location - in the Black Rock section of town.

There are MANY benefits to this new location.  Parents who are more inclined to drop off their kids, will find a whole host of stores in the Black Rock area of town, which aren't present near our current location.  We are also neatly tucked away, to allow for minimal distractions while classes are being conducted.  This will only enhance YOUR martial arts experience. 

Are you excited about the move?

The answer to this, is an empathic YES!  The entire staff at Stryker Martial Arts couldn't be MORE excited about what's on the horizon!  Not only will we be introducing a state of the art training facility, but with it, a whole range of activities planned throughout 2013.  

As the February 4th date approaches, we will be sharing more information on the move.  Stay tuned!

SMA Welcomes Our Newest Student!

Be sure to introduce yourself to our newest white-belt!

We'd like to welcome Rose A. to the Stryker Martial Arts Community!  

As we always say, the hardest step is often walking through the door and beginning something new.  Thankfully we have a supportive group of students to make this process easier on the nerves.

In your next class, be sure to introduce yourself to our newest student and show her what the SMA Community is all about!

Would you like to join a community of people dedicated to their personal growth and development?

"As a woman, I think your program provides a unique opportunity to break from gender stereotypes.  When you train, it's not only about losing weight and looking great, but it's also about getting stronger and faster..."

How will our program benefit YOUR life?  

Click Here and send us an email for more information, and experience for yourself the benefits of training in the martial arts.


Make 2013 the Year You ACHIEVE Your Resolutions!  

Get started on our Beginner Special 
and see what training in the Martial Arts can do for you!

Don't let everyone else have all the fun!  Take advantage of our Beginner Trial in order to see if training in the martial arts is right for you and your family!  Email Us today, in order to get started!